Just Imagine is excited to be on the big screen now, celebrating 26 years in the costume biz with this 15 second event.
Local single screen movie theatres like Vancouver's Rio have embraced change, and fought to preserve culture and community. Near and dear to our heart, you get a discount at the door if you're wearing a costume!
No longer limited to films, these intimate venues invite performers of all sorts onto the stage. After a lot of lobbying the city has relaxed the liquor laws similar to other live performance stages.
A monthly event at the Rio called 'Talent Time' has earned stellar reviews:
“There’s no funner night out than the monthly Talent Time.” – Georgia Straight
“The single best live event in Vancouver…an unforgettable – epic even – night of entertainment” – Bob Kronbauer, VancouverIsAwesome.com
“A cult phenomenon that’s been flying under the radar…since 2008. A true comedy original. Talent Time defies genre. You have to experience it to truly appreciate it.” – The Georgia Straight
You can catch live burlesque acts, take the baby to Movies for Mommies, or check out a film festival at the Rio. Follow them on FB to get the latest programme. https://www.facebook.com/TheRioTheatre And don't forget to wear a costume!